
LeBron James Pens Emotional Praise to Resilient Mom on 55th Birthday

LeBron James, the superstar player for the Los Angeles Lakers, recently sent an emotional message to his mother, who is now 55 years old and raised him despite all the odds. LeBron James, the superstar player for the Los Angeles Lakers, was born in Akron, …


NBA star Derrick Rose confided about how his mother used to work two jobs to support the whole family

The upbringing that Derrick Roe received was not at all wealthy. He has stated that his mother used to support him, his three siblings, and herself on an amount that was roughly similar to $20 to $50 each week. I came to the conclusion that the way I …

Cuộc đối đầu giữa “Hiệp sĩ Đen” và tàu vũ trụ của con người.

The ‘Black Knight’ satellite and the great mystery of humanity

In 1899, a scientist named Nikola Tesla captured the radio signal of an object flying in space. But it wasn’t until 50 years later that people began…

Sốc: Phát hiện thành phố của người ngoài hành tinh trên Mặt Trăng | Báo Dân trí

Discovering an alien base on the Moon

There is a conspiracy theory that has long been mentioned by many people: life really exists on the Moon and government agencies are hiding it, according to…

Discovered 200 mummies suspected of being aliens in the tropical forest near the city of Kigali, Rwanda

A group of anthropologists recently found a mysterious tomb in the tropical forest near the city of Kigali Rwanda (Central Africa). The bodies there had some characteristics…

Kinh hãi phát hiện nghĩa trang người ngoài hành tinh ở châu Phi

Explore the alien cemetery in Africa

A group of archaeologists found a mysterious burial site in the jungle near Rwanda’s capital Kigali (located in Central Africa). The skeletons here have strange shapes, not…

Bằng chứng sốc về tia vũ trụ làm biến đổi sự sống Trái Đất - Báo Người lao  động

New research by American scientists shows that alien creatures can live on energy from cosmic rays

New research by American scientists shows that if existing on planets like Mars, alien creatures could live on energy from cosmic rays. Organisms that rely on cosmic…

Tìm ngôn ngữ chung với người ngoài hành tinh -

CIA reveals story of Russian soldiers being petrified by aliens

According to a declassified document file published online by the CIA, there was a clash between the Russian army and aliens, leaving 23 soldiers petrified. The strange…

Billionaire spends money hunting aliens

The physics king and Facebook chairman will cooperate with Russian billionaire Yuri Milner to carry out a $100 million project to search for signs of life on “copy Earth”. The research team of a project called Breakthrough Listen will use the world’s …

Hình tròn bí ẩn nghi dấu vết người ngoài hành tinh ở Australia

Mysterious circle suspected to be traces of aliens in Australia

Hundreds of mysterious circles appeared in the remote Pilbara region (Western Australia), which locals believe are traces of aliens. The circles appear on the large grass field, each circle has a diameter of 4-7m. Scientists are still having trouble finding …